
Interdisciplinary artist


I’m Salma .I’m Syrian and I’m 23 years old.
Im an Artist who always wanted to know and learn everything and anything about arts.
Painting is my way to express my emotions and everything I’m going through. I took this hobby of mine and developed into learning more about graphic design and now I work as a free lancer.
Acting is my passion. I learned about acting and theatre when I was in Syria in 2012 and I have acted in both theatre and movie scenes in Amman /Jordan.
I seek knowledge and experience and I don’t mind going out of my comfort zone. I moved to Leipzig from Amman in September & I’m actually exploring everything in here, most importantly myself.
I don’t see myself as a person who is good with using words as a tool to express themselves so I don’t know if this actually could be shared.
I’m more than curious to know more about this project.

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